New Student Application
What to send:
• Your completed application form,
• Cover letter outlining your plans for Post-Secondary Education
• Référencées
• A copy of your most recent school transcript
When to send:
• First-year post-secondary student applications must be received by May 19, 2025
• If you do not have everything ready by that date, please send what you have & forward the balance asap. Include a note in your email that more is to follow. Where to send:
• Please submit the application and all supporting documents as a single PDF file to [email protected]
Other Stuff:
• If you are approved for a scholarship, you will be notified by email once the Selection Committee reviews all applications. The Vancouver Foundation administers the fund for us. Payments are usually sent to the schools in September. Your school will then apply this money to your tuition account. If you have already paid your tuition before the school receives the money, the school will refund you.
• For the upcoming school year, we have up to 10 first year and 30 continuing scholarships available.
Available to ALL students attending a post-secondary university, college, or trade school (per Canada Revenue Agency - the school must be on their list of prescribed universities or colleges).
Preference will be given to dependents of past and present Vanga employees and students of South Delta Secondary and Delta Secondary Schools.
A defined educational path to gain marketable skills aimed at specific career goals and involvement in service activities will be taken into consideration. Involvement in service activities will be taken into consideration.
• Scholarship Amounts: • First-year post-secondary; $1000 for full-time & $500 for part-time.
• Second (or higher) year post-secondary; $2000 for full-time & $1000 for part-time.
• Part-time studies are 50-75% of maximum course load for 2 of 3 terms (or 3 of 4 terms) • Full-time studies are over 75% of maximum course load for 2 of 3 terms (or 3 of 4 terms)
• We will support students for up to four years of studies, but students must re-apply each year.
ANY QUESTIONS: • Please email all questions to the [email protected]
Download application