The Heritage Advisory Commission Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating high school student residing in Delta. This scholarship is provided in an effort to encourage students to display an interest in local or regional heritage, as demonstrated through an original piece of work. The scholarship is valued at $1,000 and is applied to a student's post-secondary studies (valid for all post-secondary institutions, including colleges, universities, technical and trade school programs, art schools, or any other career oriented coursework or program).
The Heritage Advisory Commission recognizes the importance of higher education in its mandate to promote public education and awareness in the area of local and regional heritage, conservation and preservation.
Delta is currently accepting Heritage Commission Scholarship Applications. The deadline for application submission for the 2021 Scholarship is May 17, 2021. See eligibility and application forms below. Submission shall be sent to:
Committee Clerk
City of Delta
4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, B.C. V4K 3E2
email: [email protected]
fax: 604.946.3390
Scholarship Eligibility and Application
Scholarship Applicationscholarship_application_2021.pdf
Confirmation of Enrollment
For more information, please contact Community Planning & Development at 604-946-3380 or email [email protected].