If you want to be considered for the Margaret and Les Callan Fund award, you must email me a paragraph detailing the circumstances of your financial need.
This scholarship has been established by Mrs. Sheelah Grasswick’s family in recognition of her life long interest in education and the community. Mrs. Grasswick served as a Delta School District Trustee from November 1989 until her death in September 1998.
Details of the scholarship are as follows:
• Awarded annually in the amount of $1000
• Available to all graduating students in School District #37, Delta, who plan to enroll in a full time post secondary program leading to a degree
• Awarded to a student who has proven scholastic ability, and has shown interest and commitment to their community.
• Payment will be made directly to the post secondary institution at the beginning of the term upon proof of registration
• The scholarship can be held for 15 months following graduation from grade 12
• The scholarship will not be awarded if there are no qualified applicants in a given year
• A member of the Grasswick family will present the scholarship if they are available
This scholarship has been established by Mr. Ken Sotvedt’s family in recognition of his life long passion and interest in education, music and the community. Mr. Sotvedt served as a Teacher, Vice-Principal and Principal with the Delta School District from 1965 until his retirement in June 2003.
Details of the scholarship are as follows:
• Awarded annually in the amount of $500.00
• Available to all graduating students in School District #37, Delta, who have the intent on pursuing a career in music
• Awarded to a student who possesses strong musical ability and interest
• One student should be nominated by the music teachers in each of the Secondary Schools.
• Selection of the scholarship recipient will be made by a committee comprised of the Assistant Superintendents and Principal representatives from the North and South Zones
• The scholarship can be held for 15 months following graduation from grade 12
• The scholarship will not be awarded if there are no qualified applicants in a given year
• A member of the Sotvedt family will present the scholarship if they are available
The Margaret and Les Callan Fund will award two Scholarships this year for $625.00 each. One will be offered to a student at South Delta Secondary and the other will be to a student at Delta Secondary.
Eligibility criteria: • A Grade 12 student intending to study and take training in visual arts at a recognized post-secondary institution.
• Must have volunteered or provided service within the community of Delta.
• Evidence of some financial need.
• The recipient has up to one year to choose the institution. .
We believe the scholarship should be awarded to the student who has demonstrated the most involvement and created the biggest impact in a volunteer role for an organization. We seek to reward students with the character to be of service. For being someone who makes a difference for others without expectations, a good Samaritan. They are the future leaders of this country and the world and it’s a gift to be able to have the opportunity to create this scholarship fund.
● You must be in good academic standing and proof of continuing education in any of these fields: Science, Business, Education, Trades
● You have demonstrated a willingness to be of service to the community and has given back through their volunteer work
● You have accumulated 50 hours of community service during grades 10-12 or over 150 hours during grade 8-12 and show proof to qualify
● 15 Hours of community service may come from school organized volunteer work
The Delta Retired Teachers Association is pleased to offer scholarships of $800 to two qualifying graduating Grade 12 students from the seven secondary schools in Delta.
Download application here
Please complete the attached application form AND submit all supporting documents to me by April 19th.