Timeline To Graduation
Students are informed about: -grad requirements -where to find different financial awards -post-secondary applications -required language tests -acceptable grade 12 courses for admission to various college/university programs. Students should make sure they are taking the correct courses to accomplish their goals.
Post Secondary Admissions and Scholarship evening has been scheduled for October 6th, starting at 6:30 in the theatre
Unsure of your goals? Visit the Career Centre.
Work Experience 12 - try out your future career for 90 hours (4 credits). Many career training programs have a pre-requisite of volunteer or work experience in that setting. Career Prep can be the PERFECT way to obtain practical experience and meet admission requirements. See Ms. Day for more info
Youth Train in Trades Programs information is available on the Delta School District Career Programs site. These programs allow students to study and receive credit for trades training while in high school. More info on these excellent opportunities is also in the Career Centre.
Youth Work in Trades allows a head start on your trades career while in high school. A complete list of apprenticeable trades is available at the Industrial Training Authority. More info is in the Career Centre and the DSS Career Facilitator is Ms. Day
Post-Secondary Institutes start accepting applications UBC, SFU, Langara, Douglas, UVIC
PEN Numbers
Students will need their Ministry of Education Provincial Education Number (PEN) to apply to any post-secondary institute. PEN’s are on the GO card, locator card, report card and a list of PEN’s are in the Career Centre.
Education Planner
Students can apply to BC universities and colleges through https://www.educationplannerbc.ca/
Ontario and Eastern Post-Secondary Schools
The application to the Ontario Post-Secondary Institutes is available at OUAC It is the 105D form. Apply by mid January if possible. The application fee is very expensive so do your research and know where you want to go.
SAT Exams for U.S.A Post-Secondary Institutes
Register for a SAT preferably before November if you are in Grade 12. Students who are looking for American Sports Scholarships (or planning to play sports for SFU) should do a SAT at the end of Grade 11 or the first test in Grade 12 and have their final SAT score at the very, very latest into their post-secondary school or the NCAA by February 28th.
DSS ‘s SAT registration number is 821087. This number must be on your online SAT application.
Please check with www.fairtest.org to see if your school requires the SAT
Post-Secondary Evening
This year, the post secondary evening will be on November 21st (in person) Pick up View Books, ask questions and find a place for your post-secondary future! It is very important to attend to know all the latest information available about post-secondary opportunities. PARENTS AND STUDENTS IN GRADES 10, 11, 12 ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.
Conditional Acceptance
BC universities offer "conditional acceptance" and a registration date based on either your first semester or second semester interim/mid term grades . SFU wants you to self-report your 1st term grades starting Jan until March 31. UBC wants you to apply by December 1st for early admission. Remember acceptance is conditional (upon graduating in July and maintaining good grades) until confirmed.
Admission Deadlines
Admission deadline to most BC universities is February 28th. UBC has a deadline of January 15th and SFU has a deadline of January 31st. In Ontario, apply to the universities by mid-January - this isn't a deadline but a cut-off for early admission. Emily Carr University has a January 15th deadline. Other exceptions are Queens and McGill Universities with a February 1st deadline. Deadlines vary per institute. Students will start receiving emails and letters from universities outside BC asking for up-to-date transcripts. These outside institutes want your latest available Grade 11 and Grade 12 marks sent to them before their stated deadline. For a lot of students this means sending in your first semester grades. If any post-secondary schools ask for a transcript-even though you will be submitting an online “Student transcript service" form, send it to them! It is your responsibility!
Student Transcript Services account: It is imperative to activate this form if you are planning post-seconday. This form gives permission for the Ministry of Education to send your 1st and/or 2nd semester mid term transcript and final transcript (July) to any post-secondary institute you designate. Please check out the left tab on the website under "Student Transcripts Service"
Awards and Scholarships
Many awards’ applications are now being advertised. Most major Canadian university entrance awards have a February deadline. UVIC has a March 31 deadline. If the Career Centre doesn’t have the awards application you want it is up to you to research it. Look into places of employment, unions, financial institutions and organizations to which your parents and grandparents belong because these groups may offer an award. If you are serious about your scholarship investigation work, you should be looking at your notices from www.studentawards.com regularly. REMEMBER YOU NEED TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT WITH THIS WEBSITE AND THEY WILL MATCH YOU WITH AWARDS BASED ON YOUR PROFILE.
Also check on the left tab under "Current Awards'. Any scholarships that fall on my desk will be posted here
Self-report your grades to the post-secondary universities to which you have applied. Your first semester report card will be issued Feb 9th. Use your personal site on the universities' website to self-report.
Accessing Your Personal Site on the Post-Secondary Institutes Website. To login to your personal site first go to the institutes' website. Click on "myKwantlen" or "myLangara" or "myUBC" or "mySFU" or whatever words that particular university uses to access your personal site. Once there, in most cases, you must enter the student number issued to you from the institute and a password which is your birthdate. Your birthdate password will be numerically ordered either YYMMDD or DDMMYY or MMDDYY. Some institutes, such as UBC have students create a personal site in order to apply.
Other institutes, especially outside of BC, may still want you to send them an official sealed transcript. They may still want you to self-report your grades or upload your transcripts too. For identification put the student number issued to you from that institute on the transcript.
DSS Community Awards and District Awards
A list of the Community Awards, application and the District Award application are available the early April. Very few awards are nominated so students must apply. Awards will be presented at Valedictory.
Second Interim and mid term Grades are Released to Post-Secondary Institutes
These transcripts (with Grade 11 and Grade 12 marks) are released to the universities by the Ministry of Education in early May to determine faculty entrance percentages and entrance awards. Your transcripts will be released because you accessed the “Student Transcripts Service" form
University and College Notification Universities and colleges will be sending out emails, letters or postcards to notify students of procedures and registration times based on your transcript. All students planning post-secondary school must attend a registration session at their chosen post-secondary institute. Also, remember to pay the registration fee ($100 to $350 depending on the school and program) before your registration time.
Also, make sure the IELTS or TOEFL tests are done if you need to do them. Most universities want IELTS/TOEFL results by spring time however for early admission, some universities may want them by November
Commencement: Tuesday, June 24th at 7pm at the South Delta Baptist Church - The moment you have been waiting and working hard for...Congratulations!
Students are informed about: -grad requirements -where to find different financial awards -post-secondary applications -required language tests -acceptable grade 12 courses for admission to various college/university programs. Students should make sure they are taking the correct courses to accomplish their goals.
Post Secondary Admissions and Scholarship evening has been scheduled for October 6th, starting at 6:30 in the theatre
Unsure of your goals? Visit the Career Centre.
Work Experience 12 - try out your future career for 90 hours (4 credits). Many career training programs have a pre-requisite of volunteer or work experience in that setting. Career Prep can be the PERFECT way to obtain practical experience and meet admission requirements. See Ms. Day for more info
Youth Train in Trades Programs information is available on the Delta School District Career Programs site. These programs allow students to study and receive credit for trades training while in high school. More info on these excellent opportunities is also in the Career Centre.
Youth Work in Trades allows a head start on your trades career while in high school. A complete list of apprenticeable trades is available at the Industrial Training Authority. More info is in the Career Centre and the DSS Career Facilitator is Ms. Day
Post-Secondary Institutes start accepting applications UBC, SFU, Langara, Douglas, UVIC
PEN Numbers
Students will need their Ministry of Education Provincial Education Number (PEN) to apply to any post-secondary institute. PEN’s are on the GO card, locator card, report card and a list of PEN’s are in the Career Centre.
Education Planner
Students can apply to BC universities and colleges through https://www.educationplannerbc.ca/
Ontario and Eastern Post-Secondary Schools
The application to the Ontario Post-Secondary Institutes is available at OUAC It is the 105D form. Apply by mid January if possible. The application fee is very expensive so do your research and know where you want to go.
SAT Exams for U.S.A Post-Secondary Institutes
Register for a SAT preferably before November if you are in Grade 12. Students who are looking for American Sports Scholarships (or planning to play sports for SFU) should do a SAT at the end of Grade 11 or the first test in Grade 12 and have their final SAT score at the very, very latest into their post-secondary school or the NCAA by February 28th.
DSS ‘s SAT registration number is 821087. This number must be on your online SAT application.
Please check with www.fairtest.org to see if your school requires the SAT
Post-Secondary Evening
This year, the post secondary evening will be on November 21st (in person) Pick up View Books, ask questions and find a place for your post-secondary future! It is very important to attend to know all the latest information available about post-secondary opportunities. PARENTS AND STUDENTS IN GRADES 10, 11, 12 ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.
Conditional Acceptance
BC universities offer "conditional acceptance" and a registration date based on either your first semester or second semester interim/mid term grades . SFU wants you to self-report your 1st term grades starting Jan until March 31. UBC wants you to apply by December 1st for early admission. Remember acceptance is conditional (upon graduating in July and maintaining good grades) until confirmed.
- TIP: Print and save the registration number given to you when you apply through Education Planner and put it in a safe place – you will need it!
Admission Deadlines
Admission deadline to most BC universities is February 28th. UBC has a deadline of January 15th and SFU has a deadline of January 31st. In Ontario, apply to the universities by mid-January - this isn't a deadline but a cut-off for early admission. Emily Carr University has a January 15th deadline. Other exceptions are Queens and McGill Universities with a February 1st deadline. Deadlines vary per institute. Students will start receiving emails and letters from universities outside BC asking for up-to-date transcripts. These outside institutes want your latest available Grade 11 and Grade 12 marks sent to them before their stated deadline. For a lot of students this means sending in your first semester grades. If any post-secondary schools ask for a transcript-even though you will be submitting an online “Student transcript service" form, send it to them! It is your responsibility!
Student Transcript Services account: It is imperative to activate this form if you are planning post-seconday. This form gives permission for the Ministry of Education to send your 1st and/or 2nd semester mid term transcript and final transcript (July) to any post-secondary institute you designate. Please check out the left tab on the website under "Student Transcripts Service"
Awards and Scholarships
Many awards’ applications are now being advertised. Most major Canadian university entrance awards have a February deadline. UVIC has a March 31 deadline. If the Career Centre doesn’t have the awards application you want it is up to you to research it. Look into places of employment, unions, financial institutions and organizations to which your parents and grandparents belong because these groups may offer an award. If you are serious about your scholarship investigation work, you should be looking at your notices from www.studentawards.com regularly. REMEMBER YOU NEED TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT WITH THIS WEBSITE AND THEY WILL MATCH YOU WITH AWARDS BASED ON YOUR PROFILE.
Also check on the left tab under "Current Awards'. Any scholarships that fall on my desk will be posted here
Self-report your grades to the post-secondary universities to which you have applied. Your first semester report card will be issued Feb 9th. Use your personal site on the universities' website to self-report.
Accessing Your Personal Site on the Post-Secondary Institutes Website. To login to your personal site first go to the institutes' website. Click on "myKwantlen" or "myLangara" or "myUBC" or "mySFU" or whatever words that particular university uses to access your personal site. Once there, in most cases, you must enter the student number issued to you from the institute and a password which is your birthdate. Your birthdate password will be numerically ordered either YYMMDD or DDMMYY or MMDDYY. Some institutes, such as UBC have students create a personal site in order to apply.
Other institutes, especially outside of BC, may still want you to send them an official sealed transcript. They may still want you to self-report your grades or upload your transcripts too. For identification put the student number issued to you from that institute on the transcript.
DSS Community Awards and District Awards
A list of the Community Awards, application and the District Award application are available the early April. Very few awards are nominated so students must apply. Awards will be presented at Valedictory.
Second Interim and mid term Grades are Released to Post-Secondary Institutes
These transcripts (with Grade 11 and Grade 12 marks) are released to the universities by the Ministry of Education in early May to determine faculty entrance percentages and entrance awards. Your transcripts will be released because you accessed the “Student Transcripts Service" form
University and College Notification Universities and colleges will be sending out emails, letters or postcards to notify students of procedures and registration times based on your transcript. All students planning post-secondary school must attend a registration session at their chosen post-secondary institute. Also, remember to pay the registration fee ($100 to $350 depending on the school and program) before your registration time.
Also, make sure the IELTS or TOEFL tests are done if you need to do them. Most universities want IELTS/TOEFL results by spring time however for early admission, some universities may want them by November
Commencement: Tuesday, June 24th at 7pm at the South Delta Baptist Church - The moment you have been waiting and working hard for...Congratulations!