Application deadline: March 31st
[email protected]
Delta Secondary Career Centre |
The Mitchell Slater Foundation is offering post-secondary scholarships for any B.C. youth currently graduating from high school who have been touched by mental illness, either themselves or a loved one. The purpose of this scholarship is to help the student tear down some of the walls that make transition to post-secondary so incredibly challenging by awarding scholarships to qualified students. You may submit your story of life with mental illness either in writing, through photography, art, video, or any other creative way that you can think of. Sharing the story about your mental health journey is in line with our fundamental philosophy of speaking out. We believe that telling your story of how you’ve overcome your barriers can become someone else’s survival guide. We accept any form of application that will convey to us what your life’s journey has been up until this point and please include in your submissions what your intended future plans might be. Good luck to all applicants and congratulations on your upcoming graduation. Submissions can be handed in to your school Career Counselor, emailed or sent directly to us. . This is not an academic based scholarship.
Application deadline: March 31st [email protected]
The Royal Canadian Legion, Delta Branch #61, is pleased to offer the Bursary program again this year
The bursaries are open to all schools in Delta (except SDSS which is served by Tsawwassen Legion Br#289) This year, thanks to a generous benefactor, we have five bursaries. We encourage all eligible students to apply, there are five, $1,500 bursaries and only two require the student to have a family member who was/is a veteran. A veteran is defined by the Royal Canadian Legion as “Any person who is serving or has honorably served in the Canadian Armed Forces, the Commonwealth or its wartime allies, or as a Regular Member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or as a Peace Officer in a Special Duty Area or on a Special Duty Operation, or who has served in the Merchant Navy or Ferry Command during wartime” Deadline to apply: April 30th The primary criteria for this bursary is need for financial assistance Download Application here: The BC Scholarship Society is pleased to announce that the 2024 Indigenous Awards Program is now open! Over 700 individual Awards, totalling approximately $2.0M, will be available this year for students enrolled in post-secondary studies ranging from apprenticeship to post-graduate. Instructions on how to apply, links to application forms, and full eligibility criteria can be found on the Society’s website at
The application deadline is April 4, 2024. Entrance Awards recognize academic and non-academic achievements of students entering an eligible full-time BCIT program. For a full list of BCIT entrance awards and details, refer to the list of Entrance Awards and descriptions document below.
General eligibility criteria: To be eligible for a BCIT Entrance Award:
How to apply: You may apply for multiple entrance awards with a single application. On your application form, be sure to select all awards for which you meet the eligibility criteria and would like to apply. Due: May 1st
Scholarship Value $1,800 Number of Scholarships 3 Steven Rubin, a 32nd Degree Mason, has been involved with helping people to better themselves and their businesses. Steven has worked with children with Special Needs, as a Block Parent and Advisor to those who needed his help. The Scholarship Fund was created for those wishing to go to University or an Institution of Higher Learning but who may not have the “A to A-” threshold for other Scholarships. Open to those Students who have a grade average of 60 to 79% or less to qualify. The Scholarship is given annually with an endowment of up to $1,800.00 per student. It aims to help Canadian Students and Landed Immigrants of 2 years or more, living with their parent(s) at the time of graduation and who wish to attend a Canadian or Israeli Post-Secondary Institution. The Scholarship is open to all High School Students in B.C. who are graduating each year and going directly into a place of higher learning. Applications must be submitted during the period from April 1st to May 1st of the year in which you are graduating from grade 12. Proof of (Tentative) acceptance from a place of higher learning with a course of 2 years or more and proof of marks from your grade 11 full year and marks from your grade 12 Christmas and Easter Exams must accompany your application. This is an annual scholarship awarded to deserving students for vocational and academic post-secondary education.
New Student Application What to send: • Your completed application form, • Cover letter outlining your plans for Post-Secondary Education • Référencées • A copy of your most recent school transcript When to send: • First-year post-secondary student applications must be received by May 20, 2024. • If you do not have everything ready by that date, please send what you have & forward the balance asap. Include a note in your email that more is to follow. Where to send: • Please submit the application and all supporting documents as a single PDF file to [email protected] Other Stuff: • If you are approved for a scholarship, you will be notified by email once the Selection Committee reviews all applications. The Vancouver Foundation administers the fund for us. Payments are usually sent to the schools in September. Your school will then apply this money to your tuition account. If you have already paid your tuition before the school receives the money, the school will refund you. • For the upcoming school year, we have up to 10 first year and 30 continuing scholarships available. Criteria Available to ALL students attending a post-secondary university, college, or trade school (per Canada Revenue Agency - the school must be on their list of prescribed universities or colleges). Preference will be given to dependents of past and present Vanga employees and students of South Delta Secondary and Delta Secondary Schools. A defined educational path to gain marketable skills aimed at specific career goals and involvement in service activities will be taken into consideration. Involvement in service activities will be taken into consideration. • Scholarship Amounts: • First-year post-secondary; $1000 for full-time & $500 for part-time. • Second (or higher) year post-secondary; $2000 for full-time & $1000 for part-time. • Part-time studies are 50-75% of maximum course load for 2 of 3 terms (or 3 of 4 terms) • Full-time studies are over 75% of maximum course load for 2 of 3 terms (or 3 of 4 terms) • We will support students for up to four years of studies, but students must re-apply each year. ANY QUESTIONS: • Please email all questions to the [email protected] See attached application form Save-On-Foods, Urban Fare, PriceSmart Foods and Bulkley Valley Wholesale are proud to have partnered with UFCW Local 1518 to establish a Joint Diversity and Training Trust to support and maintain a respectful and positive working environment. Our goal is to work collaboratively to promote diversity awareness and build strong, healthy and mutually beneficial relationships within the diverse communities that we serve.
We help students who share this commitment by offering the Joint Diversity Scholarship. We offer $1,000 scholarships which will be awarded to applicants who have promoted diversity awareness and acceptance in their community and have not previously received the Joint Diversity Scholarship. This scholarship is available to students who are B.C. residents and are going to be pursuing post-secondary education at an accredited institution within the province of B.C. in the Fall of 2024. To apply for the Joint Diversity Scholarship, please complete the online application here. The application deadline is May 1st 2024. The Delta Trades & Technical Career Scholarship provides Delta residents who are in their graduating year at a Delta high school, or who have graduated from a Delta high school within the past five years, an opportunity to pursue post-secondary education in the area of trades and technology.
Eligibility and Scholarship Criteria
Click on link to access application :,area%20of%20trades%20and%20technology Award Background
The Educational Award honours Ona Mae Roy, a past president of the BCCPAC. Ona Mae Roy dedicated her life to improving the quality of life of all children through the advancement of their health, welfare, and education. In pursuing this goal, she gave strength and encouragement to all who advocate for children. It is the wish of BCCPAC and those who have contributed to this award that children will continue to benefit in memory of a valiant lady. This award is available annually. Award Criteria The award is open to any Grade 12 student attending a BCCPAC-member school who is planning to pursue post-secondary studies (academic, vocational, technical or training). The award honours a well-rounded student who is involved and interested in many things and has an understanding of the importance of parent involvement in education. The recipient will receive an award in the amount $1,000. The Educational Award Application submission deadline is February 28, 2024. Mainstage Scholarships for Secondary School Drama StudentsTheatre BC and the Mainstage Host Organizing Committee are pleased to announce a provincial scholarship opportunity for drama students throughout British Columbia. Theatre BC is offering ten Mainstage Student Scholarships to be awarded to selected applicants.
All students considering pursuing theatre in any form following high school are eligible to apply. Each scholarship includes an all-access 9 Day Festival Pass for the Mainstage event. It also includes a full-guided tour of the Mainstage Theatre, 2 “Backstage at Mainstage” professionally led courses (3 hours of instruction) of their choice, a face-to-face meeting with the festival adjudicator, and a ticket to the Final Night Awards Ceremony. For more information on the scholarship please contact the Theatre BC Office. To apply for the scholarships, please fill out the form below and mail or fax to the Theatre BC Office: MAINSTAGE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM CRCCS $1000 Bursary
CRCCS is proud to give back by providing financial recognition to students who exemplify Charlene's involvement in the community and/or volunteer work which encourages the youth of today to be the leaders of tomorrow. This program was inspired by Charlene's passion for children and desire for a closer community. All bursaries require that candidates are in good academic standing, contribute to their communities, and will be furthering their education at a post-secondary institution upon graduation. Graduating students have endured loss and it shapes who they are. Despite their adversity and loss they are taking a step forward and focusing on the positive. Since 2015, CRCCS has awarded almost $100,000 to students as they have demonstrated their determination to shape their future, wrote essays on how their loss has impacted their life and choices they have made, and their perseverance for their future. CRCCS board of directors will select the successful recipients based the availability of funding designated to this program for the fiscal year. To Qualify
Submit your application to: [email protected] BCSTA’s Scholarships for Student Citizenship recognize graduating students for outstanding contributions they have made to their school and community.
These scholarships reflect BCSTA’s commitment to its values:
Deadline: The application deadline was 3:00 p.m. on February 29, 2024. Late applications will not be accepted. Apply early if you anticipate having technical issues. Scholarship Information: Three awards of $750 each will be distributed. Scholarships will be paid directly to the graduating student’s post-secondary institution. The scholarship recipients will be notified in late May or early June via email and their name(s) will be posted on BCSTA’s website. Criteria: This scholarship recognizes graduating B.C. public school students who have displayed exemplary citizenship within their school and community.
Improperly submitted applications will not be considered. Students are to submit their applications using the form below. A supporting document, saved in PDF format, containing a signed consent form and two reference letters (school and community) in that order, must be included as part of the submission. Applicants must use the following naming convention: lastname-firstname-scholarship.pdf. For example, if your name is Jane Doe, your file will be named doe-jane-scholarship.pdf. The order of supporting documents must be as follows:
Download instructions for sponsors Review BCSTA’s privacy policies before submitting your application. BC HYDRO POWERS PIONEERS COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD
The BC Hydro Power Pioneers annual Community Service Award recognizes students who dedicate a significant amount of their time and energy to volunteering in their local communities. The BC Hydro Power Pioneers are recognizing youth who have excelled in community service. There are up to twenty $500 awards available throughout British Columbia. We’re looking for students who have made outstanding contributions in their local community for a considerable amount of time or have initiated, organized or contributed significantly to a one-time project. Priority will be given to students who volunteer in their local communities. We’re looking for students who are:
Please fill in, print and attach all the required information and mail in before the deadline of March 31. Your application must be postmarked no later than March 31. Mail in early to avoid missing the deadline. Please note: we are unable to accept applications by email. Successful award recipients will be notified by June 30 or earlier. |
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February 2025
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