Now in its fourteenth year, the Canadian Club's Maple Leaf Youth Awards (MLYA) are given to recognize Grade 11 and 12 students in BC who demonstrate exceptional achievements in athletics, arts, and technology, as well as show exemplary contributions to the community while maintaining academic excellence.
• The Maple Leaf Youth Awards link students with the promotion of Canadian identity and issues of national significance. This year’s essay topic is: February 15, 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of the Canadian flag. Write an informative essay about the debate and principles surrounding the choice of flag for Canada. Include in your discussion how successful our flag has been in representing Canada and carrying out the objectives of its creators.The required essay will be given considerable weight by the judges. There are three Maple Leaf Awards: $750, $1000 and $1500The application submission deadline is April 17, 2015; and all applications must be received in the Club offices by close of business on that date.
The full information and application package is available here.
Please feel free to contact Linda Coyle at 604.220.6856 or by e-mail at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the 2015 Maple Leaf Program.