SPEATBC Scholarship Flyer 2016 version
SPEATBC will be awarding four scholarships this year for students in a technical Engineering related field of study. The scholarships will be for a value of $700 each. The selection criteria will be as follows:
One scholarship will be awarded to each of:
- a post-secondary student enrolled in an engineering or technology related field of study at a recognized university, college, or technical school in BC
- a high school student (grade 12) planning on pursuing post-secondary studies upon graduation in an engineering or technology related field of study.
- a new immigrant (max. of 2 years since arrival in Canada) pursuing post-secondary studies in an engineering or technology related field of study.
- A student in high school or above that has demonstrated an innovative approach towards being environmentally friendly (green initiative).
Scholarships application deadline: Friday, January 8th, 2016.
Scholarships awarded @Annual Dinner: Saturday, January 30, 2016.
Download the Scholarship Application Form: Scholarship form (pdf) or Scholarship form (word)