Value: $2,000 (3)
Open to young adults:
Who are residents of British Columbia, Nova Scotia or Newfoundland, Canada
Whose birth date is between January 1, 1996 and December 31, 1997
Who are registered with a pediatric diabetes program/healthcare provider and is in their transition year to adult diabetes care
Who are entering into post-secondary educational facility in the fall of 2015
Who have received care for Type 1 Diabetes by a Pediatric Health Care team for a minimum of 1 year preceding this application
Who have demonstrated competence in self-management by:
a) Regular diabetic health care follow ups (a minimum of three visits in the past 12 months if newly diagnosed; minimum of 6 visits in the past 24 months for all others)
b) Maintaining an average hemoglobin A1C level within 140% of the clinic specified nondiabetic range during the twelve months preceding this application
c) Obtain an endorsement letter from a member of their Paediatric Health Care team confirming their attendance and documenting successful self-management.